Respect, Creativity, Responsibility and Resilience.


School Vision

At Berwick Chase Primary School, we believe that:

‘All students will learn and achieve to their full potential with a commitment to developing independent, responsible lifelong learners who shape the world around them'.

Every student has the capacity to learn.  As educators we believe that every learner has the ability to be successful. Within the school environment, we aim to maximise a child’s opportunities to succeed through adapting our teaching to the individual needs of the student. We believe that every child is unique and brings with them their own personal stories and experiences. Berwick Chase Primary School is committed to a high quality educational community that has equal emphasis on both equity and excellence.  Our four values are explicitly taught at an age-appropriate level throughout the students schooling.  

School Values

At Berwick Chase our school values are: 


We recognise that all students are different; they develop and learn at different rates. Our students’ needs, backgrounds and interests are reflected in the learning program.  We have high expectations for all. We share a mutual understanding in our teaching approach to student learning, to create consistency and deep learning across the school. Our students are challenged and supported to develop deep levels of thinking. We provide opportunities for student centred learning, where a student’s curiosity and passions are nurtured so they are motivated to learn.

High priority is given to the teaching and learning of Literacy and Numeracy. This is reflected in the explicit teaching by all staff, where learning is both purposeful and enduring. Together with parents and the wider community, we endeavour to create lifelong learners who are resilient, self-responsible, caring, compassionate, and have a global and social responsibility to shape the world around them and be productive and effective communicators in the 21st century.