Respect, Creativity, Responsibility and Resilience.

Performing Arts

The Performing Arts program is designed to engage and support students to explore their creativity and imagination. They are immersed in a variety of music, dance and drama experiences each session.

At Berwick Chase Primary School, Performing Arts is taught as a year long specialist subject for grades prep, one and two.

Key elements of the program:




Voice- pitch, dynamics, tempo accent

Facial expression- showing emotions

Movement- whole body, part

Gesture- showing intent

Audience- giving feedback

Beat- steady beat and no beat

Rhythm- create patterns with rhythm

Pitch- high and low

Melody- getting higher, getting lower

Tempo- fast and slow

Dynamics- loud and soft

Form- song structure

Audience- giving feedback

Space- levels, shapes, personal space, performing space, floor patterns

Time- tempo, increasing, decreasing, gradual

Dynamics- movement qualities, force, beat, rhythm

Relationships- working with others, transitions, choreographing devices

Audience- giving feedback


The Performing Arts space is an inviting and fun space to sing, play music, dance and perform in. It is full of a variety of musical instruments, puppets, props, costumes and games. Each year students are part of a production performed to the community. Some of our past performances were:

  • Aladdin
  • The Wizard of Oz
  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
  • The Lion King
  • Moana
  • Trolls

Students love attending and participating in classes everyday.