Respect, Creativity, Responsibility and Resilience.

Information for Families

Ways Parents Can Participate in the Partnership

  • Visit the school often and talk with your child’s teacher outside class time.
  • Read with and to your child as often as possible.
  • Attend our Parent/Teacher interviews and Information Nights.
  • Read the school’s fortnightly newsletter.
  • Seek election to School Council.
  • Help out at PMP and assist in classroom activities.
  • Check the Sentral for Parents App and your child’s bag regularly for school notices.

Volunteering at School?

Berwick Chase Primary School prides itself on being an ‘open door’ school, which welcomes and values all parents. There are lots of ways to become a part of our school and help make it a better place for your children and the community. 

* Please note: Volunteer roles within a school environment require participants to have a current Working with Children Check (WWC). If you do not have a Working with Children Check, please apply online at Working with Children Check | Working and Volunteering | Service Victoria

Please ensure you register our school as your volunteer location so we can obtain a letter from the Department of Justice, confirming you have registered at our school.

Our school address is: 72 Viewgrand Drive, Berwick 3806

Reading Helpers

This is extremely important throughout all areas of the school.  An hour or two per week can be of great assistance to the class teacher.  

Let your child’s teacher know if you are interested in hearing children read.

School Council

This is the school’s major decision-making body.  Being a member of the School Council is an excellent way to learn how the school runs and to have input into its programs and policies. 

This is also an excellent opportunity to get to know the teachers and other parents.


School Assemblies are held every fortnight on Friday afternoons at 2.30 pm. It is a time to celebrate the achievements of the students and share news.

We also have an assembly on the last day of each school term. This is a way to celebrate the end of term and say goodbye to our students for the holiday break.

Financial Assistance - Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund (CSEF)

Families (or temporary foster parents) holding a valid means-tested concession card are eligible to apply for CSEF. $150 per year will be paid for eligible primary school students. Payments go directly to the school and are linked to the student. This is to be used for school organised programs such as school camps, excursions/incursions and swimming programs. 

Please collect your Application Form from the school office. If you have applied in the year prior at Berwick Chase Primary School and are still eligible, we will reapply on your behalf.

Lost Property

Lost/Found items are sent to ‘Lost Property’ which is located in the cupboard behind the office. Please make sure all items are CLEARLY labelled as this helps us be able to return items to students. Items with names will be sent back to your child’s grade where time permits, however it is expected that children will look for their own lost property. 

Riding Bikes/Scooters to School

Children who ride their bikes or scooters to school MUST wear an approved bicycle helmet.  As a result of Victorian law, School Council has determined that children who ride their bike without a helmet to school will not be permitted to ride their bike home from school. Parents will be contacted and asked to come and collect the bike.  

Children MUST walk their bikes/scooters through the school yard to the bike shed.