Respect, Creativity, Responsibility and Resilience.

Parent Teacher Interviews

As part of Berwick Chase Primary School’s emphasis on parent-teacher-student communication and relationships, interviews and/or meetings are held at different points throughout the year. Getting To Know You interviews are held for Grades 1-6 early in Term 1. This is a chance for students, parents and their new classroom teachers to get together and find out about one another. The key purpose is to learn about the child’s interests, strengths, weaknesses, and any additional information that is important to, or can impact, the student’s learning.

Getting To Know You interviews for Prep students are held prior to the students undertaking the Early Years Numeracy testing. The Early Years Numeracy testing is held on the first four Wednesdays at the start of the school year. There is an hour allocated for each student, with the first 15 minutes given for parents to share information about their child and to get to know the teacher.

Additional interviews are arranged at the end of Term 2 to coincide with Semester One reports, as well as when required to either update Individual Learning Plans, catch up on the progress of students or other relevant matters.

Interviews can be made via the Sentral Parent Portal using your unique username issued by the school. If you have misplaced these login details, please contact the office at your earliest convenience.